Sinclairity, the blog of Sinclair & Co.

AAPS – 10 years running

I’ve been attending the AAPS (American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists) Annual Meeting and Exposition yearly with one or more clients for over ten years. This year in Chicago we had three clients at the meeting. The commonalities: They’re all there to get exposure, make connections, get new leads, catch up with key clients, etc. And […]

A cautionary tale

Maintaining a blog and keeping focused on it is hard. You may have heard one of us say this to you because we know it first hand. If you look at the date of this blog post and the previous blog post, you’ll see that somewhere along the way, we lost some of our Sinclairity. […]

Yet another reason to love Crate and Barrel

I received the news of Crate and Barrel’s plans to move to an expanded store from nearby Crabtree to Southpoint with mixed feelings. While I was excited to hear they were bringing their amazing furniture lines into our area, it’s not exactly in my neighborhood anymore. So I was happy to accept an invitation to […]

Venture Forth

I’ve been spending a lot of time at venture conferences this year. And while my stated goal of attending was to meet potential clients, I’ve actually come away with more insights than business cards. If you’ve never attended a venture conference, it’s sort of a huge speed dating event with bright enthusiastic entrepreneurs on one […]

Dress for Success

As a group of professional women that are passionate about our careers and the creative contributions we make to our clients, the Sinclair & Co. team has decided to share our valuable experience and resources with other women in hopes of assisting many to establish their professional careers. We are excited to announce that we […]