The party’s over. But the celebration continues. We’re still buzzing about our recent soirée and are so happy so many of you could join us. It’s hard to believe 20 years have passed. But then I remember being one of the first agencies to go “digital,” with a MacIntosh SE with 2 MB of Ram […]
As Shelley mentioned, we’ve conducted networking training for some clients, helping them adopt more effective strategies for making connections at conferences and tradeshows. Over the years, I’ve heard clients say, “Oh, we went to that show and we never got any business out of it.” (It’s a variation of the “We put an ad in […]
As previously reported, our recent office move provided lots of learning opportunities for those of us at Sinclair & Co. Most were not opportunities we’d care to enjoy again. But we learned some happy lessons, too. We learned how nice many of our clients, vendors and friends are. The folks who sent warm congratulatory emails […]
Sinclair & Co. recently moved into a new office, which offered lots of opportunities for professional growth and life lessons. Lessons we NEVER WANT TO REPEAT. Lesson One: Packing and purging 20 years worth of files, magazines, old Black Books and stock photography catalogs is not for the weak-willed or the weak-kneed. Lesson Two: Announcing […]
Welcome to Sinclairity. It’s our own unique view on the world of marketing, communications and customer service. And how things always happen in the day-to-day course of business that make us scratch our heads and say something destined to become an office catch phrase. Like: “Fire in the Hole.” “Put a bucket under it.” “Nothing […]