Sinclairity, the blog of Sinclair & Co.

A message amid the wrappings

While cleaning up the detritus of the holidays—scraps of wrapping paper and packing lists—I discovered this card in the bottom of a J. Crew shipping box. I was immediately struck by the simplicity of the message and wished I’d come up with something half as eloquent for our own holiday greeting to clients. I struggled […]

Every email is an opportunity.

I spend a good deal of time managing email campaigns, especially thinking about how recipients will respond to what is being sent.  The HTML email templates we’ve designed for our clients give outbound emails a strong brand identity and visually pleasing way to display content. The recipients’ experience came to mind when I received an […]

Operators are not standing by

If you haven’t purchased your Barack Obama commemorative plate, the latest Time-Life Classic Soft Rock collection (Air Supply, anyone?), or you’re just a sucker for that smooth-talking Billy Mays, have I got a store for you: Or, do your part to save the planet (and $1 in gas) and visit Is this a great […]